Summer Meals For Youth (Ages 0-18)
The Pella Public Library is excited to partner with the Knoxville Food Youth Initiative to distribute free meals to any Marion County youth ages 0 to 18.
Walk, drive, or bike to The Pella Public Library and Pella Community Services. You will see us in the alley parking spots! If driving, please enter the alley off Liberty Street to help with traffic flow.
Children will receive 3 breakfasts and 3 lunches. Due to USDA guidelines, all food and drink must be taken from the menu.
Parents, grandparents, siblings, or someone in charge of the children under 18 that day are welcome to pick up the meals. This program is not able to distribute meals to daycare or providers.
Date and Time
Thursday Jul 11, 2024
11:30 AM - 12:30 PM CDT
Thursdays from 11:30am to 12:30pm until August 1 (no meals distributed on July 4)
Alley between The Pella Public Library and Community Center
Contact Information
Katie Dreyer
text or leave message 641-629-0242
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